Tuesday, September 30, 2008

About Drugs

I WANT TO GIVE YOU SOMETHING REAL QUICK: THERE ARE SEVEN PRINCIPALITIES IN THE DEVIL'S KINGDOM. The way it's set up, there's Satan & then there's Beelzebub. I know a lot of Christians thought that was another title for Satan, but that's his prince. That would have been his position to God, that would have been his chosen angel. Under that are the seven principalities, & under the principalities are the powers, & under the powers, billions of demons. I just praise the Lord that the pit's locked & that most of them are there. But there's still millions running around.BUT ANYWAYS, THE SEVEN PRINCIPALITIES ARE AS FOLLOWS: REGE, WHICH IS THE PRINCIPALITY OF THE OCCULT & many things that are under the occult. And this is for the young people; witches know the difference between witchcraft & Sorcery. That's why I don't like the modern translations of the Bible, because they list witchcraft as Sorcery.SORCERY IS THE USE OF CERTAIN DRUGS THAT ARE ACTUALLY OCCULT DRUGS. There's a difference. Timothy Leary, when he wrote his book on LSD said, "You're not hallucinating when you take acid. Acid is blocking the physical senses out so that you can see a supernatural World!"--And since God doesn't use LSD, that only leaves one supernatural World left! And most people that have been on LSD for a long time will tell you, "I wasn't hallucinating when I saw that!"NOW THIS IS WHY WE ASK MANY PEOPLE IF THEY'VE BEEN IN THE OCCULT & IF THEY'VE SAID NO, THEN WE'LL STOP & SAY, "BUT YOU'VE BEEN ON ACID, or you've been on coke, or you've been on a strong form of hashish of or you've been on speed!"--Something that's classified as a hallucinogenic. That's a sorcery drug. The word "sorcery" comes from the word that we receive "pharmacist" from meaning the dispenser of drugs. In this case, sorcery means the use of drugs for occult purposes. Now there's other things that are in this, of course, there's witchcraft & all this.THE NEXT ONE IS LAZERS. I was going to put all of this on the board but I decided to go through it real quick so I can use the board for other things. Lazers is sexual lust, & that says it right there. You want to know all the things that are under Rege?--Everything that's in the 18th Chapter of Deuteronomy is under Rege.ONE THING I USUALLY WARN CHRISTIANS ABOUT IS THIS CUTE LITTLE GAME GOING AROUND the Christian church that when a woman is pregnant with a child, somebody will get a button or a ring or a medallion of some type & swing it over their hand & say, "Let's see if you're going to have a girl or a boy."--That's called divination, fortune telling.IF THAT WOMAN OR MAN THAT WAS DOING THAT CUTE LITTLE TRICK, THAT OLD WIVES TALE, were caught doing that in Israel, they'd take her out & stone him or her to death, & the person that was allowing it to be done! Today we're under grace, praise the Lord for that, or I wouldn't be here, but I'm telling you it's that serious! We could go into the demonic reasons for it, but you might gain troubles from it by allowing it to happen.

John Todd, The Illuminati and the Witchcraft: Part III - extract from http://menmyclashes.blogspot.com/full

Art by Jacob Sailor, 1980SEE, WITCHES DON'T SAY "WITCHCRAFT" & THEY DON'T SAY "WITCHES," THEY SAY "PRACTICERS" or something like this, & they say "the force," for those who've been to "Star Wars." They say "the force," so they describe him as "the force." Now Tom C. Hall has come out with a song called, "The Force," & the music is the background music for witchcraft ceremonies, it's his music to the words of that song.AND IN "STAR WARS"--WHICH IS THE BIGGEST THING THAT WITCHCRAFT HAS EVER DONE TO SPREAD ITS DOCTRINE--in "Star Wars" & in this song they say, "And may the force be with you till we're apart." This is almost identical to what witches say when they greet & part, so it's not by accident, People, nothing is by accident anymore. If I can get anything across to you tonight, you're going to walk out of here saying there's nothing that happens by accident."THOU ART THE ANOINTED CHERUB THAT COVERETH"--HE COVERED GOD'S THRONE, he was the chosen cherub. Now one of the traditions about Lucifer is that he was one of three archangels. Quickly, can anybody find a Scripture for that in the Bible?--It doesn't exist! That's a tradition. That's the problem, you've got too many traditions! He was a cherub, he wasn't an archangel, there's a difference. The Jews go in much more deeply than we do on angels, they still believe in the angels instead of believing in the Holy Spirit.BUT I FIRMLY BELIEVE THAT THE DEVIL'S KINGDOM SUPERNATURALLY IS SET UP TO COUNTERFEIT GOD'S, & HE HAS SEVEN PRINCIPALITIES. He has set his spiritual kingdom up identical with God's Kingdom & there are seven--he wasn't one of them. A third of the angels rebelled with him, yes, that's in Revelation that happens, but that doesn't mean he was one of the three archangels. That's just our way of thinking. (Rev.12:3,4.)THE CHOSEN CHERUB, "THE ANOINTED CHERUB THAT COVERETH; & I have set thee so; thou wast upon the holy mountain of God: thou hast walked up & down in the midst of the stones of fire. Thou wast perfect in thy ways from the day that thou wast created till iniquity was found in thee." He was perfect till then. "By the multitude of thy merchandise they have filled the midst of thee with violence, & thou hast sinned: therefore I will cast thee as profane out of the mountain of God."NOW WHAT IS THE LORD SAYING HERE? "I WILL CAST THEE OUT." If you think that Lucifer is locked out of Heaven, I suggest you go back & read the first Chapter of Job all over again, & then go read Revelation. Revelation isn't a history book, it's a prophecy book, & in there we find he'll get cast out. The Devil's walking here, this is his domain. He's our accuser, that's what Satan means, "accuser." He stands before the Throne of God constantly accusing us. I'll let you study this later, because I want to go on, but on & on it describes him.THE MAIN THING I WANT TO POINT OUT IS HOW HE LOOKS. So in the sketch we drew for the artists for The Angel of Light, we drew him as the covering angel before God's Throne, covered with jewels. And when God's light shone through him it was like a prism, it changed the colors to where they come out, & colors are extremely important to the Devil. Everything he does is in colors, without them, nothing happens. It's like Jeane Dixon sees blue serpents, & we're going to go into that tonight.ANYWAY, EARLIER TODAY I WAS TALKING ABOUT WHEN I'VE SEEN LUCIFER. I don't know why it's so astounding to Christians that somebody should see the Devil, but I suggest this to you: fight him really hard & I can guarantee he'll show up in your life. He'll pay you a visit & say hi!--No, I'm serious, I really am, it's not a joke. If you start fighting the Devil, if he doesn't show up--which is doubtful that he would--he will send somebody to imitate him & pay you a visit.THE PASTOR & HIS WIFE WERE TELLING ME TONIGHT OF A VISIT THAT THEY'VE HAD. Will you confirm this visit, Pastor? Absolutely! It was a very spooky one, wasn't it, Sister? But because they did not fear, he had to leave. Now I want to say something to you very quickly while we're on the supernatural part of the Devil. The Devil can only interfere in a Christian's life through several things, he can only come in your home for this reason:IF YOU FEAR HIM HE CAN COME IN BECAUSE YOU HAVE WORSHIPPED HIM, SO DON'T FEAR HIM! If you own something that belongs to him, such as the jewelry we described in Sunday School this morning; or such as books on the occult, or books on astrology which is the occult; or such as writings that are supposed to be best sellers, but come on people, they're loaded with stuff that Larry Flynt would love to put in his magazine!--Best sellers that are just descriptions for pornography books so Doubleday can make an extra buck!

(Audience: Amen, preach it, Brother!) Now this is an ex-witch talkin' who knows about demons, so you better pay attention!!MAYBE THAT'S WHY YOUR FINANCES ARE MESSED UP! Maybe that's why your kids & you are sick once in a while & you shouldn't be. The preacher asked me how much credit do I give the Devil for sickness? I said, "All of it, lock, stock & barrel!" Now let's go on or I'll be on that all night.ANYWAY, I WANT TO GIVE YOU SOMETHING REAL QUICK: THERE ARE SEVEN PRINCIPALITIES IN THE DEVIL'S KINGDOM. The way it's set up, there's Satan & then there's Beelzebub. I know a lot of Christians thought that was another title for Satan, but that's his prince. That would have been his position to God, that would have been his chosen angel. Under that are the seven principalities, & under the principalities are the powers, & under the powers, billions of demons. I just praise the Lord that the pit's locked & that most of them are there. But there's still millions running around.BUT ANYWAYS, THE SEVEN PRINCIPALITIES ARE AS FOLLOWS: REGE, WHICH IS THE PRINCIPALITY OF THE OCCULT & many things that are under the occult. And this is for the young people; witches know the difference between witchcraft & Sorcery. That's why I don't like the modern translations of the Bible, because they list witchcraft as Sorcery.SORCERY IS THE USE OF CERTAIN DRUGS THAT ARE ACTUALLY OCCULT DRUGS. There's a difference. Timothy Leary, when he wrote his book on LSD said, "You're not hallucinating when you take acid. Acid is blocking the physical senses out so that you can see a supernatural World!"--And since God doesn't use LSD, that only leaves one supernatural World left! And most people that have been on LSD for a long time will tell you, "I wasn't hallucinating when I saw that!"NOW THIS IS WHY WE ASK MANY PEOPLE IF THEY'VE BEEN IN THE OCCULT & IF THEY'VE SAID NO, THEN WE'LL STOP & SAY, "BUT YOU'VE BEEN ON ACID, or you've been on coke, or you've been on a strong form of hashish of or you've been on speed!"--Something that's classified as a hallucinogenic. That's a sorcery drug. The word "sorcery" comes from the word that we receive "pharmacist" from meaning the dispenser of drugs. In this case, sorcery means the use of drugs for occult purposes. Now there's other things that are in this, of course, there's witchcraft & all this.THE NEXT ONE IS LAZERS. I was going to put all of this on the board but I decided to go through it real quick so I can use the board for other things. Lazers is sexual lust, & that says it right there. You want to know all the things that are under Rege?--Everything that's in the 18th Chapter of Deuteronomy is under Rege.ONE THING I USUALLY WARN CHRISTIANS ABOUT IS THIS CUTE LITTLE GAME GOING AROUND the Christian church that when a woman is pregnant with a child, somebody will get a button or a ring or a medallion of some type & swing it over their hand & say, "Let's see if you're going to have a girl or a boy."--That's called divination, fortune telling.IF THAT WOMAN OR MAN THAT WAS DOING THAT CUTE LITTLE TRICK, THAT OLD WIVES TALE, were caught doing that in Israel, they'd take her out & stone him or her to death, & the person that was allowing it to be done! Today we're under grace, praise the Lord for that, or I wouldn't be here, but I'm telling you it's that serious! We could go into the demonic reasons for it, but you might gain troubles from it by allowing it to happen.NEXT AFTER LAZERS, AFTER LUST, IS BACCHUS. I don't have the spelling on it, good luck. I'm sorry I didn't put everything on the board but I left my notes back in Ohio. Bacchus was even an old Roman god. A couple other of these principalities had gods named after them in different pagan countries during pagan times.BACCHUS WAS THE ROMAN GOD OF WINE, IS PRETTY CLOSE TO WHAT HE WAS, & HE IS THE PRINCIPALITY OF ADDICTION. Now I've seen many people who shouldn't be doing deliverance because they don't know what they're doing, calling demons of nicotine out, demons of alcoholism, & the demon's standing there laughing at them because there's no such creature!BUT THERE IS A DEMON OF ADDICTION, & THE REASON I SPECIFY THIS IS THAT HE DOESN'T CARE WHAT YOU FEED HIM, just as long as you're addicted to it. That can be food & caffeine as well as alcohol, cigarettes & drugs. Now food & caffeine are not bad except when you've got to have it & you use it as a solution to your problems.TAKE FOR EXAMPLE A WOMAN IN A LIBERAL CHURCH, SHE HAD PROBLEMS & SHE DOESN'T GO TO THE LORD, SHE'LL GO TO HER LIQUOR CABINET & her pack of Marlboros--as she's hooked on both--or taking her prescribed barbiturates from the doctor. Now over in the Fundamental church this isn't allowed, except maybe the prescribed prescription from the doctor. And she'll go where? Does anybody know?IF SHE HAS A LOT OF PROBLEMS, WHERE DOES SHE RUN TO IF SHE DOESN'T RUN TO THE LORD? What does she do if she gets nervous?--She eats! How many people get up in the morning & have got to have ... now I'm talking about having a cup of coffee to pop the ol' peepers up, "I gotta have my cup of coffee!--I'm gonna die if I don't have my cup of coffee!" Come on, you've seen it!! An 8-pack of Pepsi in three hours, 16 cans of Dr. Pepper a day! Come on!YOU TALK ABOUT ALCOHOLICS, WE'VE GOT SOME CAFFEINE ADDICTS AROUND HERE! There's a difference between drinking it because you like it, & don't kid me!! It's like the guy putting the cigarette down & saying, "Oh well, I could quit any time, I just like to do it." "Yeah, I could quit drinking 26 cups of coffee a day, but I just enjoy coffee!"--Then go to Sanka!--If you can stand the withdrawals! Come on, you know what I mean! It's the same demon! He does not care.TO GIVE YOU AN EXAMPLE, I MENTIONED TEEN CHALLENGE TODAY. Teen Challenge will not accept anybody from the occult because they don't cast out demons & they can't handle them.--That's why they don't get much success with drugs anymore because since Dave Wilkerson got rid of exorcism, Teen Challenge dropped out of it, they don't do deliverance. So therefore the people come in, they get them off of cigarettes, they get them off of drugs, but they come out weighing 200 or 300 pounds & 26 cups of coffee a day & they've got the same demons!THEY'RE FEEDING THE SAME DEMONS BUT THEY'RE GIVING THEM A NEW DIET! Can somebody tell me, amen? You understand what I'm trying to say? Oh, you understand? OK! Next after that is Pan. If you know Shakespeare, Pan says, "What fools these mortals be"--it kind of gives him away.PAN IS THE PRINCIPALITY OF THE MIND. THIS IS THE DEVIL'S FAVOURITE PLAYGROUND. When you say sanctify the spirit, soul & body, this is the soul, the mind. Now, to give you an example, we run into Pan more than any other demon. Now we don't use names, but I'm giving you the names anyway, we just use categories in deliverance.WE RUN INTO HIM BECAUSE OF THE DEMON OF REJECTION THAT HE IS OVER. And this is the base for everybody that has sexual problems, & the base where everybody has drug problems, & the base for everybody that has occult problems. Because they pick this demon up when they're a child, sometimes before they're even born, & they carry this thing that opens them up to other demons, trying to feed & fulfil the demon that's driving them from within. If you've ever seen a person with the spirit of rejection you'll know what I mean.AND HE'S ALSO OVER NEURALGIA, DEPRESSION, SUICIDE, SCHIZOPHRENIA, PARANOIA, ALL THE MENTAL ILLNESSES. This is why people with rejection problems have deep depression, they try & kill themselves, they're nervous all the time, they all tie together, people! The next one after it is Set, & this will answer the Pastor's question he had about sickness.SET IS THE PRINCIPALITY OF DEATH. He was the Egyptian god of the underworld, the same thing. Set is over all sicknesses, in fact there're 39 major illnesses--that's what the physicians say today--& the occult credits him with 39 powers, 39 little sub-groups. And it's interesting that it's believed that Christ took 39 stripes for our healing. (Ed: Amen!)HOW MANY HAVE I GOT NOW? FIVE? I KNOW WHAT THE 7TH IS BUT I WANT TO LEAVE IT TILL THE 7TH. Okay, I've got Lazers, Rege, Bacchus, Set, Pan. I can't think of what the other one is. I'm trying to think of the category that's missing. Sheila, help! We don't have our notes with us! I'm gonna skip it, I'll come back to it.THE SEVENTH ONE DOES NOT HAVE A NAME BECAUSE WITCHES DON'T USE IT. You see, witches will call these others up & will send them out or have them command demons to go out. They don't use this one. They call it a Christian principality. Remember I said earlier this morning there's no such thing as an undedicated witch; I had to get saved before I found undedicated people in religion! Now this is the reason why:IT'S CALLED THE PRINCIPALITY OF CONTENTMENT. You come to church, you might even come to Sunday nights, & if you're good you might even show up at prayer meeting on Wednesday, but that's if you have a few problems during the week & you need a religious fix. Come on, People, this is the reason. This is why churches don't grow, they don't have bus programs, they don't grow, they don't go out & canvas.THAT'S WHY WHEN YOU COME TOGETHER FOR A WITNESSING NIGHT, YOU MIGHT GET 8 PEOPLE OUT OF 300 TO SHOW UP, because of this. I've walked into churches like that Calvary Chapel down in Costa Mesa with 3,000 young people.--You come back three months later & you've got 3,000 different young people! That's because they either backslid or went to a Bible-believing church so they could grow!YOU CAN FEEL THE POWER, THE PRINCIPALITY IN THE AIR OF CONTENTMENT. When you walk through the door, you can suffocate!--That is if you came out of what I came out of & you know what they feel like. Anyway, I'm still trying to think of the last one. Oh boy, I'll probably remember it when the service is over. OK, let's go on to the physical kingdom.OH, SOMEBODY ASKED ME EARLIER TODAY WHEN I WAS IN SUNDAY SCHOOL DESCRIBING LUCIFER--he must not want this to come out--about when he appeared. He did appear physical, & this might shock a few people. I've seen him sit down at tables at meals. I've seen him even have sexual relationships with women at witchcraft meetings, at higher meetings. In fact, the girl that took my place whose witch name is Regina, it means "the bride of Lucifer." Now the witches believe it too!HE APPEARED ABOUT SEVEN FEET TALL, USUALLY CLOTHED IN DEEP PURPLE.--Sometimes clothed in red, sometimes clothed in gold--purple & gold. The only time I've seen him clothed in anything else was about six hours after I got saved. He showed up as Satan--that was a shock--& he was clothed in black, but he still appeared the same. About seven feet tall, & I'd have to say not just handsome, but beautiful.JET BLACK HAIR, SNOW WHITE SKIN, & THE COLOUR OF HIS EYES, INSTEAD OF BLUE, BROWN OR WHATEVER, WERE A DEEP VIOLET, almost deep purple. And when you looked in them, it was like looking down into the Grand Canyon. It's just bottomless, this power! And believe me, if he ever appeared to you, you'd know you were in his presence.NOW I WANT TO GO ON TO THE PHYSICAL KINGDOM, THE ILLUMINATI. For those of you who were maybe not around this morning, the Illuminati means "The Light Bearers." Call it Great Conspiracy, call it what it's called today, "Moriah," which means "The Conquering Wind"; call it the CFR, which is its political name to this country; call it anything you want to call it, it's still the Illuminati, & I want to give some quick history about the Illuminati here. (Ed: Mt. Moriah, Jewish Temple, location of the AC Image!)ITS OFFICIAL BIRTHDAY IS MAY 1, 1776--RECOGNIZE THE YEAR, PEOPLE? That's its official birthday. It existed about five to six years before, but that's it official birthdate. May 1st you have, the Communists have it, but all these countries that have ties with the Illuminati, May 1st is the most holiest day because it is Beltane to the witches, & Beltane is New Years Day, & all things begin on Beltane.IT'S THE DAY THAT LUCIFER COMES BACK FROM THE UNDERWORLD & DWELLS IN THE SKIES ABOVE, ACCORDING TO THE WITCHES. Now I don't believe that doctrine now, but that's the doctrine we believed then. They spent between Halloween & Beltane under the Earth & came back in the summer months. That's how come the seasons change & all that good stuff. In other words, witchcraft is paganism.. All the witches call themselves pagans because they believe in the old pagan religions, which means "pre-Christian religion".